
04  Interests


How is design taught in current practice? Is the Bauhaus still a relevant role model for successful design education in and outside Europe? What can we learn from historical concepts? Which approaches were misleading, which can still be adapted to nowadays issues? What kind of needs and interests do students of all sexes bring into the academic environment? By what kind of questions and spirit are they driven today? Which modes of criticism can be used? And which are tolerated or even welcomed? How diverse and privileged are students in design schools?

For me, all these questions are rooted in the base ‘Who has access to Design education?’. — Because, how can design students become open-minded avantgardistic visionaries when the school setting does not provide access to people with diverse backgrounds?


‘Beyond Change Conference’ held at HGK in March 2018.

Participation in the workshop: ‘Breaking ground: Laying a Foundation for an Intersectional Collaboration’ co-organised by Decolonising Design, Precarity Pilot and Depatriarchise Design.

As I have been participating in workshops, seminars and talks concerning the gender gap in design, as well as diversity and patriarchy issues in and through design education, I am happy to share my knowledge.

©  Stephanie Müller                2019                hej  @  stephiemueller . com                legal notice

©  Stephanie Müller, 2019                

hej  @  stephiemueller . com               

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